And His Talking Donkey
Balaam's First Try
When Balaam got near Moab, King Balak met him at the border.
Numbers 22:36-37
36 When Balak heard that
Balaam was coming, he went out to meet him at the city of Moab, which is
on the Arnon border, at the extreme end of the border. 37 Then Balak said
to Balaam, “Did I not urgently send to you to call you? Why did you not
come to me? Am I really unable to honor you?”
Balak inquired as to why Balaam did not come immediately,
since this was an urgent matter. He asked, "Am
I really unable to honor you?" The word for honor is the Hebrew
(kabedh, Pi'el infinitive construct), which means to honor or glorify.
The word in Hebrew dobK*-ya! (Ikabodh,
or Ichabod), which means no glory or the glory has departed, (1
Samuel 4:21) is derived from the word that means glory. Balak
makes it clear that he can honor, or glorify, Balaam. Balak is prepared
to give Balaam fame and fortune, the glory of the world.
So Balaam said to Balak, “Behold,
I have come now to you! Am I able to speak anything at all? The word that
God puts in my mouth, that I shall speak.” (Numbers 22:38, NAS)
Balak was angry because Balaam hadn't hearkened to his urgent
demand. Balaam, after being softened along the way by the discipline
of the Lord, proceeded to lower expectations, a characteristic of many
mealy-mouthed politicians.
39 And Balaam went with Balak,
and they came to Kiriath-huzoth. 40 And Balak sacrificed oxen and sheep,
and sent some to Balaam and the leaders who were with him. (Numbers
22:39-40, NAS)
On the eve of the Balaam's attempt to curse Israel, Balak
treated Balaam to the equivalent of a Moabite state dinner. The Moabites
worshipped Baal outdoors with fornication and feasting. The passage
doesn't mention the fornication, but it does mention the feasting.
The Moabites were noted for their char-grilled beefsteak from the altars
of Baal. Balak sacrificed oxen and sheep to Baal and sent some of
the choice cuts of meat to Balaam and the diplomats with him. Since
the sacrifice occurred on the eve of Balaam's attempt to curse Israel,
it is likely that Balak offered the sacrifice to Jehovah rather than Baal
since he wished to obtain the favor of Jehovah, the God of Israel.
Regardless of his reason, an unbeliever cannot offer a sacrifice to Jehovah.
Therefore, Balak was practicing religion. He was in the Cosmic System.
Although the grilled steak and lamb chops were probably delicious, this
was participation in idolatry via eating - i.e. Ecumenical Babylon. Since
Balaam was not a Jew and was without the guidance of the Mosaic Law, he
would not have known the subtlety of this infiltration of Ecumenical Babylon.
Then it came about in the morning
that Balak took Balaam, and brought him up to Bamoth-Baal; and he saw from
there the outskirts of the nation. (Numbers 22:41)
took Balaam to Bamoth-Baal, which means lord of the high places, or fortresses.
This is the name of various gods, e.g. Janus or Thor. Daniel mentions
the "god of fortresses" (Daniel 11:38).
This god was believed to control the gates of cities and jails and was
known as the god of the key. For this reason the key was used as
a symbol among heathen priests. Anyway, Balaam was taken on a tour
so he could observe the camp
of Israel. The three tour stops are marked on the map in red.
first tour stop was Bamoth-Baal, a mountain in Moab from which Balaam could
see the southeastern tip of the nation of Israel. He could see the
eastern part of the camp, probably only the Tribe of Zebulun, since Israel
always camped around the Tabernacle with tribes in designated order.
Numbers 23:1-2, NAS
1 Then Balaam said to Balak, “Build
seven altars for me here, and prepare seven bulls and seven rams for me
here.” 2 And Balak did just as Balaam had spoken, and Balak and Balaam
offered up a bull and a ram on each altar.
Then Balaam asked Balak to build seven altars for sacrifices.
Here Balaam made a numerical mistake. He was following Babylonian
numerology - not Biblical numerology. There should have only been
one altar for the one sacrifice for sins (Hebrews
9:28; 10:12). In Babylonian numerology the number, seven,
was undoubtedly viewed as a magic number; and therefore, Balaam was using
it as a good luck charm. This was a demonstration of his apostasy,
however. There is only one sacrifice for sins and only one way of
salvation (Acts 4:12).
Principle: A right thing
must be done in a right way.
Balaam and Balak proceeded to offer a bull and a ram on each
of the seven altars to secure the support of God for their evil.
There is no way that God would ever agree to support the evil motivations
of anti-Semitism, for this would violate His own Integrity and His Word
(Genesis 12:3).
Then the Lord put words in Balaam's mouth which were a
blessing upon Israel rather than a curse (Numbers
23:7-10). Balak was upset.
Numbers 23:11-12, NAS
11 Then Balak said to Balaam, “What
have you done to me? I took you to curse my enemies, but behold, you have
actually blessed them!” 12 And he answered and said, “Must I not be careful
to speak what the LORD puts in my mouth?”
Balaam's Second Try
Balak did not give up, however. He took Balaam to the
second tour stop.
Numbers 23:13-14, NAS
13 Then Balak said to him, “Please
come with me to another place from where you may see them, although you
will only see the extreme end of them, and will not see all of them; and
curse them for me from there.” 14 So he took him to the field of Zophim,
to the top of Pisgah, and built seven altars and offered a bull and a ram
on each altar.
From tour stop number two (reference map), Balak advised
Balaam that he would be able to see only the "extreme end" of Israel, i.e.
the southern border, which included the Tribes of Simeon, Reuben, and Gad.
"He took him to the field of Zophim," i.e. the field of spies, which
was probably a lookout post on the mountain. "Pishgah" was the name
of the mountain range and not necessarily the mountain. Mt. Nebo
was one of the tallest mountains in this range and was very likely the
mountain where they went. Another verse (Deuteronomy
34:1) states that Mt. Nebo was a mountain in the Pishgah range.
"Nebo" refers to Mercury in the Babylonian pantheon. That is why
many of the Babylonian leaders had Nebo or Nebu in their names (e.g. Nebuchadnezzar,
Nebuzaradan) (Jeremiah 39:13).
The same procedure for sacrifices was repeated as before,
and Balaam again pronounced a blessing upon Israel (Numbers
23:18-24). Balak was shaken by this and demanded that
Balaam neither bless nor curse Israel.
Then Balak said to Balaam, “Do
not curse them at all nor bless them at all!” (Numbers 23:25, NAS)
Balaam's Third Try
Balak took Balaam to tour stop number three (
So Balak took Balaam to the top
of Peor which overlooks the face of the desert. (Numbers 23:28)
Mt. Peor was at Beth-Jeshimon, the Hebrew word that is translated,
"desert," which is also mentioned in Numbers 21:20.
Peor in the Hebrew is from the verb that means to open the mouth.
The Moabite goddess of love was called Baal-Peor or Baal of Peor (Numbers
25:1-3). The worship of this goddess involved prostitution
(Numbers 25:1) (Political Babylon), sacrifices and communion (Numbers 25:2)
(Ecumenical Babylon), and worship of the false god (Numbers 25:2) (Cosmic
Mt. Peor was on the west end of the camp of Israel.
The tribes on the West included Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin.
From this location Balaam had an end view and could see the entire camp
of Israel.
Balaam repeated the same procedure with the seven altars,
but due to his confidence, he did not go to seek omens as before (Numbers
24:1). He again pronounced a blessing on Israel (Numbers
24:3-9). This time the Spirit of God came upon Balaam so strongly
that he was thrown to the ground (Numbers 24:4).
Balak was very angry. He slapped his hands together and rebuked Balaam.
He ordered him away and refused to give him his wages. He also blamed
the Lord for Balaam's failure. This was blasphemy.
Numbers 24:10-11, NAS
10 Then Balak’s anger burned against
Balaam, and he struck his hands together; and Balak said to Balaam, “I
called you to curse my enemies, but behold, you have persisted in blessing
them these three times! 11 “Therefore, flee to your place now. I said I
would honor you greatly, but behold, the Lord has held you back from honor.”
Balaam's Prophecy of the
World Stage
After Balak's interruption, Balaam continued his fourth oracle
24:15-24). In the previous oracle, Client Nation Israel
was the system. The fourth oracle, however, is eschatological.
In it, Balaam predicts events on the future world stage. There is
a national stage, and there is a world stage. On the national stage,
the actors are related to the thirteen tribes of Israel. On the world
stage, the actors are related to the nations which surround Israel
to the North, South, East, and West. Israel is located at the origin
of the coordinate system. The Z axis is the relationship with God
and the rest of the entire earth is related to Israel in X and Y coordinates.
Thus, there are lands or armies of the North, South, East, and West.
The lands of the North include Assyria and Russia. The lands of the South
include Africa and the pan-Arabic nations. The nations of the East
include the nations of the orient. And the nations of the West include
Europe and the United States of America.
Numbers 24:17
I see Him, but not now;
I behold Him, but not near.
A star shall come forth from Jacob;
A scepter shall rise from Israel
And shatter the sides of Moab
And destroy all the sons of desolation.
In this oracle Balaam prophesied about the coming of Christ
and the star of Bethlehem (Matthew
2:5-10). "I see him" is a prophecy of the coming
of Christ. "I behold him, but not near" refers to the Second Advent.
The star of Jacob is prophecy of the Star
of Bethlehem. Jacob, which means chiseler, is a reference to
the line of Christ, who was descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Jacob refers to the carnal believer. Israel means prince of God and
refers to the spiritual believer. "A scepter shall rise from Israel"
is a reference to the Second Advent and Millennium. "And shatter
the sides of Moab" is a reference to the destruction of Moab. "And
destroy all the sons of desolation" is a reference to the Moabites who
were anti-Semitic.
Moab was subdued by David (2 Samuel
8:2). From David to King Ahab, Moab paid tribute to Israel.
In 852 BC on the death of King Ahab, Moab mobilized an army to invade Israel.
The army of Moabites, Ammonites, and Edomites set out ot destroy King Jehoshaphat.
However, God caused confusion and the Jews were delivered. The Moabites
and Ammonites attacked Edom and then turned on each other (2 Chron 20).
Later, Moab was subdued by Assyria. The Moabites were later overrun
by the Nabataeans. At this point the Moabites lost their identity.
The Moabites are still found today in Jordan.
“And Edom shall be a possession,
Seir, its enemies, also shall be
a possession,
While Israel performs valiantly.
(Numbers 24:18, NAS)
Edom was the land inhabited by Esau. Seir is the mountain
range that runs south from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. The
Horites dwelt in Seir before Esau. The Horites are also called the
Hivites, but were probably the Hurrians, who first learned to use a horse
and invented the chariot. Esau married the daughter of a Horite priest
called Anna. David defeated the Edomites and Joab destroyed almost
the entire male population (1 Kings 11:15-16).
The phrase, "Israel performs valiantly," is a reference to the invasion
of Israel by Edom, Moab, and Ammon during the reign of Jehoshaphat (2
Chronicles 20:22) and their defeat by faith in the Valley of Berachah
Chronicles 20:23-26). They fought among themselves and
destroyed each other. The final defeat of Moab will be during the
Armageddon Campaign at the Second Advent.
“One from Jacob shall have dominion,
And shall destroy those who escape
from the city.” (Numbers 24:19)
This is a reference to the Second Advent when the Lord returns
to defeat the enemies of Israel. The "city" is Bozrah in Idumea.
Idumea is the Greek word for Edom. It was the name given after the
Nabataeans took over.
The Amalekites (Numbers 24:20)
were the first of the anti-Semitic nations (Psalm
83:1-8). Their end was destruction. Anti-Semitism
leads to cursing from God per the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis
12:3). No nation has survived anti-Semitism.
In Numbers 24:21 the Kenite
believers were to be blessed. They were evangelized by Moses and
were pro-Semitic. The phrase, "your nest is set in the cliff" (rock)
means they are believers. However, there was a group of Kenites who
lived in Canaan (Genesis 15:19) and were anti-Semitic.
They are called "Kain" (Numbers 24:22).
They were wandering metal workers. When Assyria overran the Northern
Kingdom where the anti-Semitic Kenites had moved, those who were not killed
were taken captive. "Asshur" is Assyria.
And he took up his discourse and
“Alas, who can live except God
has ordained it? (Numbers 24:23, NAS)
God will protect the Jews because He has ordained it.
Those who practice anti-Semitism will perish.
“But ships shall come from the
coast of Kittim,
They will subdue Asshur and will
subdue Eber;
So they also shall come to destruction.”
(Numbers 24:24)
Kittim originally meant Cyprus, but came to refer to all
of the islands settled by the Greeks in the Aegean and Mediterranean.
The ships from Kittim refer to the navy of the Revived Roman Empire in
the Tribulation. "Asshur" (Assyria) refers to the King of the
North in the Tribulation. The King of the North, who is in Egypt will be
cut off by sea. Eber (one from across the Jordan) refers to all who
are anti-Semitic and are invading Israel. Their end will be "destruction."
Then Balaam arose and departed
and turned toward his place, and Balak also went his way. (Numbers 24:25)
After prophesying the history of anti-Semitism, Balaam went
toward his home, but nothing says he went all the way home. Wherever
he went, he soon settled with the Midianites.

Baal Bait
Balaam was fond of the Midianite princes (Numbers
31:7-8) and was attracted to the beauty of the Midianite women.
So he returned to live with the Midianites. And he found a way to
earn his fee.
forsaking the right way they have
gone astray, having followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved
the wages of unrighteousness, (2 Peter 2:15, NAS)
Whereas, Israel could not be cursed by Balaam due to the
overruling will of God, they could destroy themselves through the Law of
Volitional Responsibility. Balaam taught Balak how to lure Israel
into idolatry and destroy their Marriage Culture.
While Israel remained at Shittim,
the people began to fornicate with the daughters of Moab. (Numbers 25:1)
"Shittim" means acacia grove. Israel remained
at the same camp
on the east side of the Jordan, prior to entering the Promised Land.
Having defeated the Amalekites, they were secure from their enemies.
Meanwhile Balaam had moved back to live with the Midianites, and he began
to teach Balak how to lure Israel to destruction. Prior to Numbers
25:1, Balaam counseled Balak on how to lure Israel into cursing.
This is explained in 2 Peter 2:15, Revelation 2:14, and Numbers 31:16.
Balaam convinced Balak to use the Moabite and Midianite
girls to lure the men of Israel into the Phallic Cult. The girls
were sent out on a diplomatic initiative to use their feminine and evil
charms to attract the men of Israel. The girls were the young virgins
and newly initiated prostitutes of Baal, which included licentious dancing
and fornication. The Jewish men had been living an austere life in
the desert for thirty-nine years. They had their own Right Women
and wives but were willing to reject the Law of Israel for the sensual
pleasures of Moabite culture and Baal worship. Both idolatry and
adultery were expressly prohibited by the Mosaic Law.
They invited the people to the
sacrifices of their gods, and the people ate and bowed down to their gods.
(Numbers 25:2)
Not only did the Moabite and Midianite girls offer prostitution,
they also promised the best beefsteak and other culinary pleasures.
The charbroiled steaks were meat offered as sacrifices to Baal. Because
the culture of the Moabites and Midianites involved ritual eating, the
girls were probably chubby or obese. In contrast to the Jewish women
who ate only manna and were probably slim, the Moabite and Midianite girls
were more voluptuous. There is ample evidence that many cultures
in history revered the fat female in lieu of the slim one. So, the
invitation to the sacrifices to Baal included dining on the best cuts of
beef and mutton. Here again, if the Jewish men had only understood
Logistical Grace, they would have rejected the offer. Under Logistical
Grace, God provided manna for them every day from the PX in heaven.
Those who rejected God's Logistical Grace provision were lured into the
worship of Baal.
Principle: Those who do
not learn to eat from Logistical Grace only will die in the wilderness.
The Jewish men also bowed down to worship the gods of the
Moabites, which included Baal and probably Molech. Instead of saying
grace before their meals, they bowed to the power of Baal. Bowing
to worship an idol was a violation of the authority of the Mosaic Law.
Jews who worshipped Baal were enemies of the God of Israel. The penalty
for idolatry as well as adultery was capital punishment in Israel.
Thus, the Jewish men who worshipped Baal were rebelling against the God
of their salvation and destined to die the sin that ends in death in the
The infiltration of the Moabite and Midianite prostitutes
was a test for the men of Israel, who were also soldiers in the Army of
Israel. Those who succumbed to the temptation died in the wilderness.
Those who rejected the temptation went into the Promised Land. Thus,
this was a test to cull those who did not have the spiritual strength to
resist the lure of Satan. Such infidels were not sanctified unto
God but were slaves of the world. Without spiritual integrity, they
were unfit to receive the blessings of the Promised Land. They demonstrated
by running off into idolatry that they lacked the spiritual capacity for
life to enter the next phase of their spiritual life, which was Spiritual
Warfare. Fighting to secure the Promised Land symbolizes Spiritual
counterattacks are mentioned against the men of Israel: Fornication,
eating the sacrifices to Baal, and worshipping Baal. The substitute
for love in the worship of Baal was fornication. The Jews were commanded
to love God, but the devil's counterfeit in Baal worship was fornication.
The Jews were given manna from Logistical Grace. The counterfeit
in Baal worship was beefsteak and mutton that had been sacrificed to Baal.
The Jews were commanded to worship God only. The counterfeit in Baal
worship was to worship Baal. These three counterattacks were counterattacks
of the X, Y, and Z axes of the Space-Time
Coordinate System.
The Table, Baal Counterattack on Israel, shows how Baal
worship attacked the three axes of the Space-Time Coordinate System.
Baal Counterattack on Israel
Axis |
Baal Counterfeit |
Babylon Counterattack |
1. Faith - X |
Eating Sacrificial Meat |
Ecumenical Babylon |
2. Love - Y |
Fornication |
Political Babylon |
3. Hope - Z |
Baal Worship |
Cosmic Babylon |
Each activity of Baal worship was a counterattack from
Cosmic, Political, or Ecumenical Babylon of the Cosmic System of Satan.
Holding to faith on any one of these axes would have kept the Jewish men
out of idolatry. If they had known how to eat, they would have rejected
the meat sacrificed to idols. If they had loved their Right Woman,
they would have rejected the prostitutes of Baal. If they had known
and obeyed the first of the Ten Commandments, they would have refused to
worship Baal.
The Yoke of Slavery
So Israel yoked themselves
to Baal of Peor, and the Lord was angry against Israel. (Numbers 25:3)
The yoke was placed around the necks of animals, e.g. oxen
and mules, to harness them to a cart or a plow. A yoke around the
neck was a symbol of slavery. The symbol here was a Jewish man with
his neck in one side of the yoke and Baal in the other side of the yoke.
Since Baal was the stronger, such a person was bound to be the slave of
Baal. After taking the bait, these Jews were enslaved to Satan's
Cosmic System. The picture should have been the believer yoked to the Lord
(Matthew 11:29-30).
The yoke analogy here is equivalent to the baited trap
analogy of Revelation 2:14, which was previously
explained under Balaam's Lust.
The Moabite and Midianite prostitutes were the bait of the trap to lure
the Jewish men into the Cosmic System. Those who took the bait had
the trap of slavery close upon them.
Baal of Peor was the Baal who was worshipped in the city
of Beth-Peor (Deuteronomy 3:29; 4:46) as the
goddess of love in whose honor the women and virgins prostituted themselves.
As the god of war, he was known as Chemosh (Numbers
21:29). Chemosh was also worshipped as the Sun god and the
king of the nation of Moab. He was portrayed on coins of Aeropolis,
standing on a column with a sword in the right hand and a lance and shield
in the left, and with two fire torches by his side. He was appeased
by the sacrifice of children in times of great distress (2
Kings 3:27).1
Israel was a Client Nation, which is a type of system.
When part of them became slaves to Baal, all of the Client Nation suffered
because "the Lord was angry against Israel."
This is an anthropopathism to express God's dissatisfaction with Israel's
rejection of Himself.
Capital Punishment for Offending Jews
Per the Law of Israel, idolatry was a capital offense.
The Lord commanded Moses to have the Jews who were involved in idolatry
publicly executed.
Numbers 25:4-5
4 And the Lord said to Moses, “Assemble
all the leaders of the people and hang those who yoked themselves to
Baal of Peor before the Lord against the sun, so that the fierce anger
of the Lord may turn away from Israel.” 5 So Moses said to the judges of
Israel, “Each of you slay his men who have yoked themselves to Baal of
The style of execution was to first kill the guilty ones
and then impale them upon stakes or fasten them to crosses to make a public
example. This does not mean that the suspects were not to be given
fair trials per Exodus 18, however.
However, this command was never executed because events
took a turn for the worse. While the people were assembled in front
of the Tabernacle, Zimri, a Jew of the tribe of Simeon, brought in a Midianite
princess named Cozbi in the sight of all Israel and took her into his bedroom
(Numbers 25:6). When Phinehas, one of
the priests, saw this, he grabbed his spear and went after the Jew into
his bedroom. The Hebrew
hB*q% (qubah)
means arch and refers to the back part of a tent behind the arch, which
was the bedroom. Phinehas caught them in the act of fornication and
pierced them both through with his spear (Numbers
25:7-8). Consequently, the plague that God had sent to judge
Israel was restrained.
Before Phinehas in his zeal made atonement for Israel,
however, 24,000 died in the plague. In one day 23,000 died (1
Corinthians 10:8).
Destruction of Midian
The Lord commanded Moses to attack the Midianites because
of their evil. So Israel went to war with Midian (Numbers
31:1-7), which was not much of a war since the Midianites were
nomads and not warriors. All the men of Midian were killed along
with their five kings. They also killed Balaam (Numbers
31:8). Thus, Balaam died due to the sin that ends in death.
He received judgment for counseling Balak to lure the Jews into the worship
of Baal of Peor (Numbers 31:16). When
the Army of Israel returned with the spoil, they brought back the women
and children. Moses was angry with them for this, since the women
had caused Israel to sin. So, he commanded them to kill all the male
children and all the women who were not virgins (Numbers
31:17). This, in effect, cut off the race; for without the
males they could not procreate.
Balaam was an activistic, reversionistic believer.
Although the gift of prophet was operational in Balaam, worldliness made
him the enemy of God. The angel of the Lord opposed Balaam and used
a donkey to reprimand him; but nothing could prevent Balaam from following
his worldly pursuits. When God prevented him from cursing Israel
with divination, Balaam convinced Balak to enlist the prostitutes of Baal
to lure the men of Israel to destruction. Balaam moved in with the
Midianites and counseled them to tempt Israel with the worship of Baal,
which included fornication, ritual eating, and worship of idols.
Balaam's activity was anti-Semitic. In his reversionism,
Balaam was blinded by his lust. He lusted after money, fame, and
Midianite women. His lust produced temporary insanity. He lived in
reversionism to satisfy his worldly lusts. In so doing, he rejected
the grace of God and entered into anti-Semitism, which eventually cost
him his life. He died with his worldly friends and prostitutes, the
Midianites. He rejected grace and died due to the sin that ends in
Balaam was the dupe of Satan, who is the enemy of Israel.
Satan's strategy in the Angelic Conflict is to destroy Israel in order
to prevent the Plan of God from being fulfilled. Those people and
nations who enter into anti-Semitism have become pawns of Satan.
And history is littered with those who have been cursed by God for anti-Semitism.
No person or nation will survive anti-Semitism. The Abrahamic Covenant
was an unconditional promise to Abraham and his descendants. The
Lord said that He would bless those who blessed Israel, and curse those
who cursed Israel.
Baal is active today in his role of luring those who are
full of lust into the devil's camp. Baal still seduces children and
adults alike through lascivious lust as the goddess of love. However,
he also poses as the god of war. In this role he is symbolized by
the bear who murders and mauls children and seeks to annihilate Israel.
Just as the male polar bear rejects its cubs and may try to kill them,
humans under the power of Baal abuse their children. The hatred of
the nation of Israel today is often inspired by Baal.
The causes of reversionism are not just the depravity
of mankind under domination of the Old Sin Nature. The reversionist,
like the unbeliever, is the pawn of Satan (Ephesians
2:2). Satan and his demons rule the world and those who do
not love God are their slaves. Satan's demons, like Baal, lure the
unsuspecting into their power with the bait that arouses lust. What
appears to be a worldly attraction, leads many ignorant believers to slavery
and eventuates in the sin that terminates with death. The believer
who falls for the devil's lie is doomed to slavery to Cosmos Diabolicus.
Spiritual freedom is available to those who love God and
keep His commandments (Galatians 5:1).
Spiritual freedom can only be attained, however, by experiential sanctification.
Only the believer who loves God will respond to the teaching of Bible Doctrine.
Through spiritual growth from metabolization of Bible Doctrine, the believer
will learn to use the weapons of his spiritual warfare. In Spiritual
Warfare, the believer with doctrine will be able to thwart the power of
Satan and his demon hoards that seek to enslave the entire human race (Ephesians
6:12). The believer with doctrine will be able to take up
a defensive position on the FLOT (Forward Line of Troops) line to stop
the advance of Satan (James 4:7). When
Satan's advance is stopped, the blessings of God with spiritual freedom
will be added through the grace of God.
The counterattack from Baal is aimed at Marriage Culture.
The devil does not support marriage because Marriage is a divine institution.
Just as Baal lured the Jewish men away from their right women through lust
for the Midianite prostitutes, men today are tempted to leave their right
woman for a paramour. Those who engage in fornication and adultery
are not just demonstrating personal weakness, they are the pawns of demons
like Baal. These are powerful forces that are bent on the destruction
of the Church and Israel. Believers who take the bait will be enslaved
to the Cosmic System. They will never have the peace and prosperity
of love in a marriage that is blessed by God. Those who become Baal's
victims will become like him, monsters - haters of God and mankind.
Marriage is the foundation of the culture. It is
the most intimate relationship in this life. It is a Divine Institution
designed to provide Right Man and Right Woman with love, freedom, and happiness.
Those who would squander their birthright for a mess of pottage will not
only destroy their own lives but they will also bring the cursing of God
upon the culture. Just as God sent a plague to judge Israel for being
yoked to Baal in Balaam's day, the land that is polluted by Baal will be
the recipient of divine discipline. Nations and cultures that take
the bait of Baal are doomed to the curse of God and the sin that eventuates
in death.
The Baal attack upon marriage and the culture can only
be stopped by believers who love God and execute the Protocol Plan of God.
Those who dabble in Christianity are like those who taste the bait of Baal.
They are both the enemies of God. Only those who love God and keep
His commandments can secure for themselves and their posterity the spiritual
blessings from God.

1. C. F. Keil and F. Delitzch (James Martin, Translator),
Commentary on the Old Testament, Vol. I, ISBN 0-8028-8035-5 (Grand Rapids,
Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Co.), 1978.
Last Revision: July 6, 2014
Author: Larry Wood